We Acknowledge that we are Stewarding land that does not belong to us.
We reside within the Navajo Nation, and we also inhabit lands once inhabited by the Shiwinna (Zuni), the greater Pueblo tribes, the Ute, and even earlier Anasazi and Clovis culture. The "Notch" was used as a migration path for TENS OF THOUSANDS of years. This land is a gift and Sanctuary kept in trust.
This year we plan on making some more major progress on our newest housing & workshop project started in 2020.
We also need to start some real talk about a few of our Heritage Adobe structures. Both are in need of some serious TLC. In the works are some Adobe Restoration workshops. Please contact us for more information.
Live... Work... Live... Work
ZMS relies on the contributions of those that love and support us.
Thank You for Thinking Of Us!
Please use the link below to donate easily via Paypal
Contact us for other ways to donate including: Care-packages, Checks, Stocks, and Long Term Savings & Investment accounts for our Endowments, Inheritances & Estate Bequeathment.
Stay in touch with us so we can stay in touch with you!
Zuni Mountain Sanctuary is a 501c3 non-profit, and is led by the Radical Faeries who serve on our Board of Directors, those who serve on Committees, and those who participate in consensus decision making.